
How billing works

Learn how billing works in Supabase.

Our goal at Supabase is to provide a predictable billing system that grows with you.

How billing is organized

The Supabase Platform has "organizations" and "projects". An organization may contain multiple projects. Each project is a dedicated Postgres and Supabase instance with all of its sub-services including Storage, Auth, Functions and Realtime. For example:

  • Organization 1
    • Project 1 (Postgres, Data API, Auth, Storage, Functions, Realtime)
    • Project 2 (Postgres, Data API, Auth, Storage, Functions, Realtime)
  • Organization 2
    • Project 3 (Postgres, Data API, Auth, Storage, Functions, Realtime)

Each organization only has a single subscription with a single Plan (Free, Pro, Team or Enterprise). Project add-ons such as Compute, IPv4, Log Drains, Advanced MFA, Custom Domains and PITR are still configured per project and are bundled into your organization subscription.

Quotas and features

Quotas and features are applied to your entire organization, independent of how many projects you launch within that organization. For billing purposes, we sum the usage across all projects in a monthly invoice.

Upgrading your organization to a paid plan means that you unlock the benefits of the paid plan for all projects within that organization - for example, no projects in your "Pro" organization will be paused. See pricing page for details on all plans.

It is not possible to mix different plans inside a single organization. You cannot have one Pro Plan project and one Free Plan project inside a single organization. To have projects on different plans, you'll need to create different organizations. Also see Project Transfers in case you're looking to transfer a project to a different organization.

Usage items

Egress5GB250GB included, then $0.09 per GBCustom
Database Size500MB8GB disk per project included, then $0.125 per GBCustom
Storage Size1GB100GB included, then $0.021 per GBCustom
Monthly Active Users50,000 MAU100,000 MAU included, then $0.00325 per MAUCustom
Monthly Active Third-Party Users50 MAU50 MAU included, then $0.00325 per MAUCustom
Monthly Active SSO Users-50 MAU included, then $0.015 per MAUCustom
Function Invocations500K2 million included, then $2 per millionCustom
Function Count25500/1000Unlimited
Storage Images TransformedUnavailable on Free Plan100 included, then $5 per 1000Custom
Realtime Message Count2 million5 million included, then $2.5 per millionCustom
Realtime Peak Connections200500 included, then $10 per 1000Custom
Log Drain Events-- / $0.20 per Million EventsCustom

Billing for Compute (Compute Hours)

Supabase provides a dedicated server and database for every project. By default, your instance runs on the Micro Compute instance. You can upgrade your compute size in your project settings.

Given we provide dedicated databases on paid plans that have 24/7 uptime and predictable performance, you pay the same amount for compute independent of your database usage. An active project on the Small compute size running for 30 days consumes 720 (30x24h) Small Compute Hours.

You won't get an immediate charge upfront when changing compute, instead we'll bill you based on compute hours when your billing cycle resets. If you launch a second or third instance on your paid plan, we add the additional compute hours to the final invoice. If you upgrade an instance for 24 hours, you'll only be billed for those 24 hours of additional compute. Compute hours are billed when you do plan up/downgrades (resets the billing cycle) or whenever your billing cycle resets once a month.

Compute pricing

Compute SizeHourly PriceEstimated Monthly Price

Compute Credits

Paid plans come with $10 of Compute Credits to cover one Micro instance or parts of any other Compute Add-On.

Compute Credits are deducted from your Compute Usage. You can launch as many instances as you want on paid plans and we'll bill based on the compute hours.

Compute Credits do not apply to other usage fees like egress, disk size, ... They solely apply to Compute usage.

Additionally, Compute Credits are given to you not only for the first month but for every month while you are on a paid plan. They reset every month and do not accumulate.

Read Replicas

In case of deploying Read Replicas, each replica is a dedicated database that adds additional compute hours and disk size usage.

Each replica incurs one compute hour on the given compute size. An example:

A primary database on XL compute and two read replicas on XL compute would incur ~2.190 XL compute hours (3x 730h) and cost ~$630/month.

The disk size of a replica instance is usually 1.25x the size of the primary disk to account for WAL archives

Project Add-ons

While the subscription plan (Free, Pro, Team or Enterprise) applies to your entire organization and is only charged for once, you can level up your project by opting into several add-ons:

  • Compute to scale your database up to 64 cores and 256 GB RAM
  • Read Replicas to scale read operations and provide resiliency
  • Log Drains to sync Supabase logs to a logging system of your choice
  • Custom Domains to provide a branded experience
  • PITR to roll back to any specific point in time, down to the minute
  • IPv4 for a dedicated IPv4 address
  • Advanced MFA to provide other options than TOTP

Project add-ons are charged by the hour at the end of your billing cycle. I.e. if you enable a log drain for two weeks, you will pay for 336 hours (14 days * 24 hours).

Unified egress

Each organization receives a total egress quota (eg. 250GB on the Pro Plan) which can be used for anything - Storage, Realtime, Auth, Functions, Supavisor, Log Drains or Database.

Included egress quota

Each plan includes a quota for unified egress, which is applied to your entire organization.

PlanTotal Egress QuotaOver-Usage
Free5 GB-
Pro250 GB$0.09 per GB
Team250 GB$0.09 per GB

Egress dashboards

You can see a breakdown of the different types of egress on your organization usage page.

Disk Size

We differentiate between database space usage and disk size. Database Space is the actual amount of space used by all your database objects, whereas disk size is the size of the underlying provisioned disk. Each database has a provisioned disk.

Free Plan customers are limited to 500 MB of database space.

For paid plan customers:

  • Each project starts with 8 GB GP3 disk provisioned by default
  • The first 8 GB of provisioned disk per project is free, then $0.125 per additional GB
  • Charges are prorated down to the hour, which is advantageous for short-lived projects and branches
  • Each read replica has a provisioned disk as well, which adds to your disk usage

When your data gets close to the 8 GB disk size limit, we automatically scale it by 50% on paid plans to ensure your project does not run into a read-only mode. Each hour your disk is beyond the included 8 GB, it incurs one GB-Hr of usage. With a 12 GB provisioned disk (4 GB above the limit), this would incur a total monthly cost of $0.5 ($0.125 per GB / $0.000171 per GB-Hr). Disk Size is prorated down to the hour, so your bill will show "Disk Size GB-Hrs".

You can see your project’s disk size in your project settings (Project Settings > Database).

While we automatically scale up your disk, we do not automatically scale down your disk. Read more about disk management and how to reduce your disk size.

Free Plan

Supabase provides two "Free projects". Each project can run a Nano instance for free. This is a great way to get started with Supabase and try out the platform.

We count your total limit of 2 free projects across all organizations you're either an Owner or Administrator of. You could have two Free Plan organizations with one project each, or one Free Plan organization with two projects. Paused projects do not count towards your free project limit.

Billing Examples

Here are some examples on how the Billing affects you.

Multiple projects in a Free Plan organization

Here are the quotas for the Free Plan:

Usage ItemFree Plan
Egress5GB across Database + Storage
Database Space500MB
Storage Space1GB
Monthly Active Users50,000 MAU
Edge Function Invocations500K
Edge Function Count25
Realtime Message Count2 million
Realtime Peak Connections200
Max of 2 free projects*

The quota applies to the entire organization, i.e. you can have a total of 5GB egress (sum of all projects egress combined).

* All active projects in Free Plan organizations where you're either an Owner or Administrator count towards your total limit of 2 free projects. Paused projects do not count towards your limit.

Multiple projects in a Pro Plan organization

While you only pay for the $25 Pro Plan once, launching additional projects at least incurs compute costs.

Invoice Breakdown

Line ItemPrice
Pro Plan for Organization$25
Micro Compute x3$30
Compute Credits$-10

Here's the quota for your entire organization:

Usage ItemQuota
Egress250GB included, then $0.09 per GB
Disk Size8GB per project included, then $0.125 per GB
Storage Size100GB included, then $0.021 per GB
Monthly Active Users100K MAU included, then $0.00325 per MAU
Function Invocations2 million included, then $2 per million
Function Count500 included
Storage Images Transformed100 included, then $5 per 1000
Realtime Message Count5 million included, then $2.5 per million
Realtime Peak Connections500 included, then $10 per 1000

See Project Transfers to move projects across organizations.